hardy gesneriads

pelarg@aol.com pelarg@aol.com
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 14:07:37 PST
I've really enjoyed growing Seemannia nematanthodes "Evita" in both pots and outdoors.  My plant came from Plant Delights a few years ago, and I now have two large pots of it plus some which are planted alongside a brick wall at my school.  The outside ones do derive benefit, I'm sure, from being near the wall, perhaps it prevents the rhizomes (at least the deeper ones) from freezing, though they are certainly wet and cold all winter.  It is late to emerge, but starts flowering in August and keeps going till frost.  It has come thru two winters thus far.  Plants grown in pots are more vigorous, and are easily dried out for winter and restarted in spring.  Often I bring them in to my classroom garden to bloom well until winter before letting them sleep. The bright red flowers are awesome, nothing quite like it, esp in the outdoor garden.

Ernie DeMarie  Tuckahoe NY Z6/7

Plantblog:  http://geraniosgarden.blogspot.com/

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