Hippeastralia Experiment

David Maxwell opbungalow@gmail.com
Tue, 24 Feb 2009 08:30:14 PST
Hi All,

the Hippeastrum seeds are ripening from my online bulb binge last
October...including seeds from my latest Amaryllidaceae experiment;

I froze the pollen anthers from one of my November Spreklia formosissima
blooms...and did an intergeneric cross with a couple of the Hipps I bought.

The objective being to try to produce a Hippeastralia that *isn't* red.

I'm going to plant the first batch of seeds from those crosses this weekend
to see if they're viable...crossing my fingers.

So I'm curious if anyone has done any fussing in this regard?

If I could knock off a few years from this experiment by using someone
else's F2 or F3 generation of seeds that would be great.

I'm hoping to have some sort of resolution to this experiment before I'm
eligible for Social Security.

So any info would be appreciated.


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