Plant exchange options

Diane Whitehead
Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:29:56 PST
On 19-Jan-09, at 11:38 AM, Jim McKenney wrote:
> Bill, I hope we can count on you to keep before the rule makers the  
> complete
> lack of control we as individual prospective importers have over the  
> actions
> of the senders.

It's not just stuff coming in to the U.S., and it is not just non- 
English speakers.

I could not get a U.S. inspector to write one sentence on my phyto  
that I knew was essential.  He couldn't see it in the rule book he was  
looking in, so refused.  When I got to the Canadian border, our  
inspector phoned him to fax a new phyto with that sentence added.  I  
was the one who had to hang around waiting for the new paperwork.  At  
least I didn't get charged another $23 for the second phyto.

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, B.C., Canada

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