New member, request for lachanalia, offer of plants

Alex Rigg
Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:13:44 PST
1.  New member
2.  Plants for cost of postage
3.  Requested plants
4.  Lovely Lachenalia hybrid.

1.  New member
    I joined the group a few months ago to learn more about South African bulbs in particular.  I live in Berkeley, California, USA, and have Amaryllis belladona, Babiana, Canna (not sure of variety, but one may be 'Ra' and the other indica. Both are yellow. The one that might be Ra grows to 8' tall, the other to 4-5'. Both have yellow flowers. The shorter one has flowers that are mainly yellow, but contain some sections that are white with yellow splotches), Crinum, possibly bulbispermum, Freesia (alba, I think, it's white with a yellow spot and is fragrant), Hyacincth (yellow, not sure of species), bearded Iris (pale blue, fragrant) , Iris pallida 'Aureavariegata',  Ixia maculata (might have given away), Lachanalia (splendida, unicolor, viridiflora), Ledebouria socialis, some other unidentified ledebouria,  Muscari armeniacum, Narcissus tazetla `Paper White',   Sisyrinchium bellum (if that's a bulb),  Zantedeschia aethiopica, and Z. aethiopica 'Green Goddess'. 

 2.  Plants in exchange for postage 
       Unfortunately I'm going to drop out because I'm too stressed for time. I haven't even managed to read most of the emails.  
Before I do, I'd like to offer some of my bulbs, tubers, corms, whatever to members of the group in exchange for the cost of postage or bulbs I'm interested in (see Item 4 below).  I've never exported plants, but am willing to do so if you're willing to prepare the paperwork for me. 

I can share the following:  
    Amaryllis belladona 
    Canna (not sure of variety, but one may be 'Ra' and the other indica. Both are yellow. The one that might be Ra grows to 8' tall, the other to 4-5'. Both have yellow flowers. The shorter one has flowers that are mainly yellow, but contain some sections that are white with yellow splotches) 
    Crinum, possibly bulbispermum (a few)
    Freesia (alba, I think; it's white with a yellow spot and is fragrant) 
    bearded Iris (pale blue, fragrant)  
    Iris pallida 'Aureavariegata' (a few)  
    Ledebouria socialis  
    Narcissus tazetla `Paper White',   
    Sisyrinchium bellum (if that's a bulb)  
    Zantedeschia aethiopica 

If you're interested, please let me know. 

3.  Requested plants:

I am interested in obtaining some of these bulbs (not seeds): 
Lachenalia that is a hybrid of L. viridiflora and aloides quadricolor.    
Lachenalia aloides var .quadicolor
Lachenalia bulbifera 
Lachenalis namaquensis 
Lachenalia pustutata (pink/purple and blue/purple forms)
Lachenalia unifolia 
Orthrosanthus chimboracensis

4.  Lovely Lachenalia hybrid

I just saw a plant which, I was told, was a hybrid of Lachenalis aloides v. quadricolor 

(or L. orchidioides) and L. viridiflora which had large purple/blue flowers, short 

stamens (nonexserted).  

If anyone is interested in hybridizing, they might want to try this hybrid.  The plant 

wasn't for sale.  I already asked. 

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