Hymenocallis liriosme

J.E. Shields jshields@indy.net
Sun, 14 Jun 2009 07:16:32 PDT

I have one Hymenocallis liriosme growing outdoors in the ground, but very 
carefully sited:  about three feet from the south wall of my 
greenhouse.  It was in bloom when we returned from a two-week vacation 
yesterday.  It has been there for several years now.

Jim Shields
in Westfield, Indiana, USDA cold zone 5

At 08:31 AM 6/13/2009 -0400, Jim McKenney wrote:
>The first flowers of the year of Hymenocallis liriosme opened early last
>This is grown as a pot plant here, brought in for the winter (but I'm sure
>it would survive outside if carefully sited).

Jim Shields             USDA Zone 5             Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92              WWW:    http://www.shieldsgardens.com/
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
Tel. ++1-317-867-3344     or      toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA

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