
lamon ready
Mon, 23 Mar 2009 21:35:08 PDT
Hi all,
 Here are photos taken by a friend in Georgia, Grady county, between Cairo and Whigham on U S 84. It is said to be the largest acreage of trout lilies in the world. There are also a good number of other plants growing there, including the southern elm - with no problems with Dutch Elm Disease! 
 This was mostly a group of Ga. and Fl. bot. society members. The state of Ga. legislature had authorized 1/2 of the purchase price. 'we' had to raise the remainder. There was almost $50,000 left to raise, and someone in south Ga. donated the remainder a couple of weeks ago!
 hopefully the pics go through. Richard gave me permission to use these pics.
Lamon Ready
Here are some photos of Wolf Creek from Saturday, 21 Feb:…
- Richard

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