Gladiolus tristis and other gladioli

Christine Council
Tue, 19 May 2009 18:57:49 PDT
Dell, if you are looking at this, please get back to me.
I am having trouble with your address and I have some seeds 
to send to you to look at.
Sorry for the round about route but I think I spelled something
wrong and also my computer is getting tired and old. Thanks all.

Please contact me:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:28 PM
Subject: [pbs] Gladiolus tristis and other gladioli

Once when I was working at the NYBG I grew G. tristis to flower in a sandbed
against one of the greenhouses.? It, along with G. citrinis (now I think
considered a form of tenellus which itself has a new name, I think) and
Watsonia aletroides survived and bloomed after a mild el Nino winter in the
early 90's.? They were also planted late to prevent too much early growth,
and protected at times with conifer branches.? Foliage starts to show damage
below 20 or so, and during that unusually mild winter we only got to 15F
twice. Not an ideal way to grow them, but possibly a coldframe could work in
colder regions.? Also consider the summer growing glads--G. longicollis is
very much like G tristis and comes from high altitude in SA, though I have
not had it long enough to have tried it outdoors yet.? In this area many
glad hybrids (but not all) will make it through winters, and the species G.
papilio and G. oppositiflorus are utterly hardy. "Boone", a dalenii form or
hybrid also see
 ms to do fine. G. saundersiae should also be hardy as well, I am just
trying it outdoors this year. 
More people should be adventerous and try things that seem impossible--the
latest pleasant surprise in my school garden is seeing a shoot (admittedly
only one thus far) of a lantana emerging from under the ground at the base
of a lantana, probably Ms Huff.? It got some leaves for protection, but
otherwise is not protected. 
Ernie DeMarie
Tuckahoe NY Z6/7?? plantblog:

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