Terminology Test

Justin Smith oothal@hotmail.com
Tue, 12 May 2009 21:16:51 PDT

Hi all,


what was said:

> I have a hot date tomorrow night and?I'm sure to?seem much more?suave if I can drop that term into the conversation.
> Cheers,
> Erick


Ahhhh if I had only known when I was young that speaking plant techno speak would have help me impress my dates.  To think all this time I thought it would take me pulling up in a Lamborghini.


A couple of weeks ago I sent Alberto some emails trying to describe some of my bulbs. I am sure he got a good laugh at my descriptions. lol He was most kind in his replies. 


So please Erick let us know how it goes. I need all the help I can get. lol



Woodville, TX 




Though not exactly bulbs but my yard is full of Ladies tresses  (Spiranthis sp) orchids in bloom, with about 60 in my rather large back yard. Most people are not much impressed with them but I like them just fine.



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