Bulb lists from Penrock and Simply Indigenous Nursery

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Wed, 27 May 2009 17:51:53 PDT

Simply Indigenous is a nursery west of Pretoria near Hartbeespoort Dam. 
We visited them during our trip to South Africa in 2006, and had a fine 
time looking at their offerings of the native flora. The owners, Leigh 
and Johann Nieuwoudt, were not there, however, off on a trip to Brazil.

Penroc is primarily Charles Craib's business, so far as I can tell, and 
is managed by Leigh and Johann. The seeds are not cheap, but the 
selection can't be matched, even by Silverhill. I ordered a bunch of 
massonia, daubenya, and other bulb seeds last summer. I got reasonably 
good germination, although there were a few duds--resnova and one of the 
daubenyas come to mind. Excess will eventually go to the BX, by the way.

Alas, I'd have to classify most, if not all, of the offerings as warm 
climate. They claim some will withstand hard frosts down to -10C, but 
I'm guessing it always warms up the next day.


You have to request the price and availability lists, as Justin did.


Jane McGary wrote:
> Justin wrote,
> I just got in my email the May 2009 Bulb lists for Penrock and Simply 
> Indigenous Nursery.
>> If looking at these two lists and they don't make you drool then you 
>> should never need a bib.
> Justin, could you describe more what these nurseries offer? Are they 
> just warm-climate bulbs (if so, that's why I haven't heard of them)?
> Jane McGary
> Northwestern Oregon
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