Mushy crocuses

Jim McKenney
Sat, 14 Nov 2009 13:00:23 PST
The sun is predicted to make an appearance tomorrow for the first time in
about a week. Temperatures are also predicted to be in the low 70s F after a
week of dull, overcast weather. This is unusual weather for us, and it has
caused this year’s autumn crocus season to be literally something of a


Weeks ago, during a similar period of dull, rainy weather, Crocus
oreocreticus had a nice cluster of buds up. When the buds matured, the day
was relatively warm in the morning (as I recall, the temperature was near
70F in the morning). The flowers just barely opened a bit, and then the
temperature began to drop and the cloud cover came in. For the rest of the
week, the buds endured rain and dull conditions until the time came and they
simply deliquesced without ever fully opening. Bummer…


This week the same thing almost happened with Crocus hermoneus. This grows
in a cold frame (C. oreocreticus is in a raised bed exposed to the
elements). Crocus hermoneus has a fully developed bud with a bright red
style barely visible; it’s been like that all week. If it does not turn to
mush tonight, it should open tomorrow in the sun and warmth. 


A form of Narcissus tazetta has a budded scape on the way up, and my
“Thanksgiving snowdrop” is about to bloom. This is a form of Galanthus
elwesii found in the lawn a few years ago. I have another one which blooms
at year’s end, too. 




Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden



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