Late summer miscellany

Mon, 14 Sep 2009 12:09:36 PDT
Interesting to hear Keith Hammett's name from overseas.  Here in New 
Zealand he is a very big name in developing new hybrids in Dahlias, Tree 
Dahlias, sweet peas, Clivias amongst several others.  Which is why I am 
so pleased to have one of his A. Belladonnas, although it may only be 
one he acquired for future use.

Ina Crossley  Zone 9-10
Auckland New Zealand

Last year I purchased two potted dahlias being sold as bedding plants. 
They are representatives of a series named ?Mystic? dahlias, and (I?ve 
since learned ? isn?t Google great!) were raised in New Zealand by one 
Dr. Keith Hammet

I?m not a dahlia enthusiast, but these plants are a bit different and 
caught my eye. They have very dark, finely divided foliage and single 
flowers. Last year I grew them in pots, but this year they are in the 
ground. They are about three or four feet tall and the contrast between 
the bright flowers and the dark foliage is very nice. The one named 
?Mystic Desire? has intense orange-red  flowers and the one named 
?Mystic Illusion? has yellow flowers with a dark center. I didn?t plant 
these until the last week of June, and they are just coming into their 

These are a very handsome addition to the late summer border.

Is anyone else growing these?

Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, zone 7

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