× Amarcrinum

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Tue, 08 Sep 2009 19:55:22 PDT
× Amarcrinum 


For several years I’ve been watching a planting of × Amarcrinum in a local
garden. I had an errand in that neighborhood today, and I took my camera
with me in case the plants were in bloom. Yes they were! And by the looks of
it, they had been in bloom for a while – there were scapes present with
nothing but the remains of spent blooms. At the same time, there were scapes
which had only recently emerged and whose buds had not yet opened. 


There are several things about this plant which recommend it strongly for
our zone 7 eastern gardens. For one thing, it’s evidently hardy and
reliable. For another, it does a good imitation of Amaryllis belladonna. It
makes a nice compliment to Lycoris × squamigera because it begins to bloom
as the Lycoris is quitting. In past years I’ve known this clump to be in
bloom in late October – so it has a long potential blooming period.  


But best of all, it’s a good plant for small gardens – something I’m
reluctant to say of most Crinum. Look at the foliage in the images linked
below: compared to that of most Crinum it’s tidy. (After I wrote that, I
checked the wiki and was pleased to see that whoever wrote the introduction
to × Amarcrinum used exactly the same word). 


To judge by what I see on the PBS wiki, this one is ‘Fred Howard’. The owner
of the garden where they grow received them years ago as “resurrection
lilies” and he evidently had never heard of × Amarcrinum.


If anyone would like to add any of these to the wiki, let me know. 


Take a look here: 





Jim McKenney


Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/

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