Legacy Bulbs

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Mon, 26 Apr 2010 07:43:29 PDT
You all may remember that we had a thread in February started by 
Kathleen Sayce entitled old homestead bulbs.

I thought it might be useful to have a wiki page that listed the 
bulbs that people noted had become established. Kathleen took on this 
project and expanded it and the end product was quite extensive. I've 
been working on getting it transferred to the wiki. I have decided 
rather than waiting until it is finished to announce it in stages. 
That way you won't be overloaded. We can add photos illustrating 
these bulbs to the pages and all of you who have asked to help with 
the wiki and therefore have the password can modify it and add 
comments or other species that should be included. I think that what 
she has created has a North American emphasis because of the 
resources she used and because the people who responded on the list 
were mostly from North America. So it would be good to have some 
input from other parts of the world. I've added photos when we had 
them for the first page which includes Allium species and Amaryllis 
belladonna, but we didn't have pictures of all of the species. If you 
have photos that illustrate any of those we don't have pictures of or 
show them in an established or naturalized state and know how to add 
to the wiki, please do so. If you have pictures of these species and 
do not know how to add them to the wiki, David Pilling has said he is 
willing to add them for you.

Here is Kathleen's introduction:

and the first page of nine:

Mary Sue

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