Fw: Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?

Pacific Rim paige@hillkeep.ca
Sun, 11 Apr 2010 21:17:48 PDT
For rhizomes read stolons throughout.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pacific Rim" <paige@hillkeep.ca>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?

> Paige here again. I sent my first message by mistake before it was 
> complete; then had to be offline for awhile.
> I now realize that I, too, have seen more than 3 flowers per stem. For me, 
> it's on that most robust of creatures, Erythronium tuolumnense. Try 7-10 
> flowers on bulbs sown in 2003 and planted in the garden in 2007. A friend 
> was here this afternoon and counted idly, unaware of this discussion.
> Somehow I never think of tuolumnense as a normal Erythronium. It is so 
> much larger and has so much more energy than the others -- a beautiful 
> whale among dolphins. It is one parent of the prolific 'Pagoda' and 
> 'Sundisc', but in my experience it is more vigorous than those crosses. 
> And in my opinion more beautiful by far. The crosses make more and more 
> offsets, more stems. Straight tuolumnense makes more and more flowers on 
> the stem; and makes offsets; and seeds around madly.
> But the annoying thing about my incomplete email was that I had meant to 
> ask whether any of you can explain *why* eastern and western Erythronium 
> spp. reproduce differently: the eastern ones often preferring to spread by 
> thready rhizomes, without flowering; the western ones seeding whenever 
> possible, though they also make offsets.
> What are the constraints? I think of geography and climate, of course, but 
> details, please?
> Perhaps it was an arbitrary descision made in a backroom. :-))
> Paige
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Laura & Dave" <toadlily@olywa.net>
> To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 3:44 PM
> Subject: [pbs] Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?
>> Roy Herold wrote:
>>      >Paige wrote about Erythronium:
>>            >Has anyone seen more than three flowers on a stem?
>>  Erythronium helenae has four flowers on a single stem here this year
>> - - - - - - - -
>>  It's nice to hear that E. helenae will have more flowers eventually.  My 
>> seedling plants are blooming for the first time, with but a single flower 
>> on each.  However, the diminutive, sparkling white flowers are very 
>> charming, and well worth the wait since sowing.
>>  I also have a number of plants of Erythronium oregonum ssp. leucandrum
>> that have 3 and 4 flowers on the more mature ones.  The flowers are
>> large (~9 cm) and cream colored.  Here in central Washington (Tumwater),
>> we have E. o. ssp. oregonum, which has one or two large (~10 cm) white
>> flowers.
>> Though still cold, two days of sun have been most welcome.  Some of the
>> species tulips have opened fully and reminded me why I grow them.  Yea!!
>> Dave Brastow (zone 7A)
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