Coreopsis gigantea

Floral Architecture
Thu, 16 Dec 2010 13:34:54 PST
I am lucky to live at the base of the Boney Mountain in Ventura. I drive by 
several large stands of these every day. They are over 3' tall. I am always 
amazed at the speed at which these sprout and flower after the first good winter 
rain. I would not expect to find seeds on them right now but late spring or 
early summer I would think they would be there. Remind me and I will check if 
you are still interested. 

John Ingram in Camarillo, CA, between Santa Barbara and L.A. "Your Clivia Connection"
New number >>> 805.914.9505 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. 
Thank you)

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