Have anyone found the data which have more detail of the perennialing experiment of cornell?

fierycloud2002 fierycloud2002@yahoo.com.tw
Tue, 07 Dec 2010 20:10:11 PST

Have anyone found the data which have more detail of the perennialing experiment of cornell?

Though the warmest of the place where they are is USDA zone 7 where are still colder than my house, but I think that these data should make me know which should be tried first.

And I would like to know which I try last.
The experiment only have the name of the best performer, but no the remains.

The file have some data of species and specialty bulbs. But I would like to know more of the detail result of the other horticulture varieties.

PS. they seem have a new paper on the Lily perenialization.

Taiwan,...where sould be warmer than miami in florida.

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