
Dennis Kramb
Mon, 27 Dec 2010 09:34:52 PST
I bought a Eucharis a few months ago and potted it up on my windowsill.  It
has been producing new leaves steadily since I acquired it (started with 2,
now has 4).  But I feel a bit concerned since it seems to dry out in the
sunlight sooo quickly.  I've also read it should be kept shaded, so I
covered the window with wax paper to diffuse it a little bit.  And this
plant doesn't seem to be suffering so I haven't moved it.  Any comments from
Eucharis experts??  Should I leave it alone, or find a new spot?

I got another Eucharis bulb from the BX a while ago and was nervous since it
arrived when it was about 10 deg F outside and sat in my mailbox all day.
But it finally started showing signs of life today.  Yay!

Dennis in Cincinnati

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