
Justin Smith
Sat, 10 Jul 2010 10:09:02 PDT
Hi All,


I have a BS degree in Business and worked retail a number of years before I became disabled, both resellers and buyers have responsibilities.  I have had my fair share of bad experiences on both sides of the counter and calling or implying someone is a crook is bad form. (i.e. something to be discouraged) 


Though there is nothing wrong with saying "hey i have a problem with "X supplier" can anyone help me verify this contact information as correct because they don't ever reply to my emails." 


All of you that are in retail know that word of mouth is about the best form of advertising you can get. This is not an example of the kind of word of mouth most resellers want. Not replying to emails is one of the fastest ways to get bad word of mouth.


This list is to help us with bulbs, growing them and acquiring them. 


If there is a problem with a reseller of bulbs is it not proper to share that information? 


If "x supplier" sends out virus infected/mislabeled purposefully or accidently/insect infested or otherwise damaged bulbs or sends nothing at all,  are we to keep quite and not say anything to our fellow bulb enthusiasts?


It is easy to vent our frustration and anger in an email but staying courteous should ALWAYS be the number one priority.






Woodville, TX 8b/9a









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