Amorphophallus in Ohio? SURE !

James Waddick
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 22:00:57 PDT
>I received a request for information that has intrigued me.  I am 
>not able to answer, but perhaps one of you has an idea.  I didn't 
>think Amorphophallus would stand the winter in Ohio.  Isn't it 

Dear Diane and all,
	I suggest you forward this link to the International Aroid 
Society page on Aroid Hardiness. As Steve M. has said the correct 
name for your correspondent's plant is Amorphophallus konjac. This 
should be fairly reliable in Cinncinnati

	Over the course of 15 years, this species could easily 
produce underground stolons over a fifteen feet apart (at a foot per 
year). And 75 plants is not that many. Where it is happy it can be 
very vigorous. Even one double doubled each year would be over 1,000 
plants in just 10 years.

	Some Amorophallus can also produce bulbils on the leaf at the 
point where veins connect to the petiole. Not sure if A konjac does 

	Anyway 75 plants in 15 years isn't really all that many.

	And your correspondent may be confused. Here's A. konjac…

	and here's the even hardier Dracunculus vulgaris…

	These can be confused by beginners*. Dracunculus is far more 
tolerant of a variety of cultivation methods and much hardier too.

	Seed is usually not produced if only 1 or 2 flowers are 
present because of delays in pollen availability and stigma 
receptiveness. Timing is crucial. If you have 4 or 5 blooms within a 
week of each other you are more likely to get pollination and seed 

	I certainly encourage growing these very interesting aroids 
in Zone 5 or 6 just for their gorgeous foliage.

		Best		Jim W.

* Then there's Sauromatum venosum also subject to confusion in garden centers.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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