What Do You Think Of Coconut Coir

Floral Architecture john@floralarchitecture.com
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 10:49:18 PDT
I have used coco coir - sold as cocogrow - as a mulch on my veggie garden. The 
tomotoes doubled in size in a week of applying it. Cocogrow is an organic 
product. It is processed 18 months vs the 6 months most companies do. There is 
no salt that I have witnessed. Since it is inert. It needs fertilizer added if 
it is to be used solely as a potting mix. 

I have  not used it for any of my bulbs. I would think it would be best suited 
to those bulbs that require extra water, such as the riparian Hymenocallis, rain 
lilies, etc. Things that need a seasonal dry period might remain too wet. This 
is only a suggestion since I haven't tried it myself. 

I do know that it makes a great bedding for pets - such as turtles, reptiles, 
etc. Friends have used it and are very happy. 

 John Ingram in Camarillo, CA, between Santa Barbara and L.A. 
http://www.floralarchitecture.com/ "Your Clivia Connection"
New number >>> 805.914.9505 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. 
Thank you) 

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