Lycoris seedlings

Kathleen Sayce
Wed, 07 Jul 2010 17:07:32 PDT
Last year I got some Lycoris seeds from the seed exchange, and ever  
curious, knocked open their pots today to see how they are doing. I  
can report one pot is dead--empty seeds, shells, really, and no sign  
of roots or bulbs. The other two are growing nicely. I tucked them  
back in carefully, and can report that the seeds in pots came through  
10F last winter, outside, wet, frozen, etc. L. longituba and a hybrid  
mix both had surviving new bulbs. L. chinensis did not survive.

I'd like to know what potting mixes are used by more experienced  
Lycoris growers.
PNW coast, where we finally reached 90 for the first time this year,  
and on the 3rd sunny day since summer began

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