Beneficial Nematodes

Boyce Tankersley
Tue, 25 May 2010 13:07:57 PDT
Hi Bob:

Can you tell me which of the nematodes works on Iris borer? They have
decimated mine at home.

When I worked for the University of Texas Medical Branch on Galveston
island, one of the researchers was experimenting with live squid to
determine how to get human nerve cells to regenerate. We did not use any
pesticides on any of the landscaping in the city block containing his
research lab to avoid any possible contamination of his results.
Lacewings, foliar nematodes and parasitic snails (for snail control on
Hymenocallis) were some of the more successful biocontrols we used.

Boyce Tankersley
Director of Living Plant Documentation
Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022
tel: 847-835-6841
fax: 847-835-1635

"I have also extended this to my bearded iris because I had such a
difficult time with iris borer as I garden organically.  It has been
quite effective and I have had several years now where we have been
"borer free."

Bob Hoel
Near Chicago

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