The Bulb Garden--Spring 2010

Jane Merryman
Sun, 09 May 2010 16:07:21 PDT
The latest issue of The Bulb Garden, PBS's quarterly publication, is in 
the mail. In this issue we range far afield:  Don Mahoney, horticultural 
manager at the San Francisco Botanical Garden, discusses growing Bomarea 
in the San Francisco Bay Area and Alberto Castillo, chemist and 
horticulture professor in Argentina, reports on bulbs in the year-round 
rainfall regions of South America. UC Berkeley grad student Nhu Nguyen 
takes us on a field trip to iris-covered slopes overlooking the Pacific 
Ocean. Our columnists, Robin Hansen and Marguerite English, usher in 
Spring with their musings in the garden and in the greenhouse.

If the Spring issue is here, can the Summer issue be far behind? We are 
already putting together  articles for the next Bulb Garden and are 
looking for authors who would share with us their knowledge and love of 
plants, places, and people related to bulbs. Contact me, Jane Merryman, 
at, for information about submissions. Also, tell me 
about articles you would like to see in The Bulb Garden.

Jane Merryman
Co-editor, The Bulb Garden

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