Floral Treats - wide crosses

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Mon, 24 May 2010 21:22:35 PDT
>J5.      Iris 'Alley Oops'
>  >guessed as a rare cross between I. pseudacorus and some Siberian
>  >Iris. This is an odd chromosomal mix and surely it is sterile.
>Jane McGAry replied:
>This sounds very similar to 'Holden Clough', which I have in this

Dear Jane and all,
	Sort, but only slightly. 'Holden Clough', named after the UK 
nursery where it was found was known to be a seedling of a 40 
chromosome or Sino-Siberian and guessed at the other parent. Some 
people think it is I. pseudacorus, others favor I foetidissima. It is 
a bit tender here and I can't keep this one going.

	'Alley Oops' is a cross with a 28 chromosome or Garden 
Siberian with an unknown, but guessed to be I. pseudacorus.

	Siberian Iris Series contain 2 distinct groups of species: 
Sino-Siberians with 40 chromosomes each and a half dozen species, and 
the more common garden siberians with only 3 species (siberica, 
sanguinea and typhifolia).  There's one know cross between these two 
groups.  Oddly both groups are all found in China (And some spread a 
bit further afield)

	40 chrom siberians have been crossed with a lot of other iris 
most notably PCNS to make a group known as Cal-Sibes. The 28 chrom 
species form the basis of most modern garden siberian iris, but there 
are relatively few wide crosses.

	......and there's relatively few people trying these odd 
crosses , so when one turns up like 'Alley Oops' or the earlier 
'Holden Clough' we all sit up and take notice.

		Best	Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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