Legacy Bulbs

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 04 May 2010 07:09:22 PDT

This is the second installment of Kathleen Sayce's contribution to 
the wiki on Legacy Bulbs. No one took us up on our request to add 
pictures to the wiki of some of the Alliums we didn't have pictured 
on the first page. On this page which covers genera from Anemone 
through Chinodoxa we are only missing photos of the plant most of us 
know as Bulbocodium vernum although some now call it  Colchicum 
bulbocodium or Colchicum vernum.  Jim Waddick called it to our 
attention earlier in another discussion that it was strange that we 
didn't have it pictured on the wiki. If you have photos of this plant 
or any of the Alliums we are missing and you would be willing to let 
us add them to the wiki but don't want to do the work yourself, David 
Pilling is willing to help you. You can send photos to him at 
david@pilling.demon.co.uk or pbs@pilling.demon.co.uk


Mary Sue

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