Iris dardanus

Jim McKenney
Mon, 01 Nov 2010 13:16:21 PDT
Bob, Iris ‘Dardanus’ is one of the regeliocyclus hybrid irises (the name
comes from the name of a group of irises named for Regel, the nineteenth
century German/Russian botanist and oncocyclus, the name of another group of


I think you’ll find it easy to grow if, and this is important, you keep it
very dry during its dormant period. I would suggest beginning to dry the
plants off right after they bloom if your soil is at all heavy. By “dry them
off” I mean put something transparent over  the growing plants (leaving the
sides open for ventilation) to keep off all rain. 


In older books you will sometimes see the recommendation to dig the plants
for the summer. That might work in some climates or under some conditions,
but in general if you dig the plants too soon you will damage the roots
which remain lively for a while after the leaves die down. 


A few years ago I gave a piece of this plant to a friend who now grows it in
a pot. I don’t think she has been all that careful about keeping it
completely dry during the summer, and it continues to grow for her. But I
would not count on that sort of treatment being successful. 


When the plants come into bloom, drop what you are doing and go enjoy them.
They will be gone for another year before you know it. 


Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden



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