PBS - no mail on holiday

Diane Whitehead voltaire@islandnet.com
Sat, 02 Oct 2010 09:24:15 PDT
Ton asked how he can stop PBS messages while he goes on a two week  

There are links at the bottom of every PBS message - they are blue.

Click on this one:    http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php

That will take you to the webpage which has the archives.  There is a  
line of tabs that look like the tops of file folders.
Archive Subscribe Change FAQ

Click on "Change".

Fill in your email address.  Make sure it is the one that you  
subscribed with.

Click on "Unsubscribe or edit options".

This takes you to a page that asks for your password.  It also has a  
button to click if you don't remember your password.

I'm doing this as I write this, so I can describe what happens.  I  
don't remember ever having a password, so I clicked on the button, and  
one has just been emailed to me.  It must have been generated  
automatically, because it is not the kind of password I have ever used.

I typed in the password I was sent, and I am now at a page where I can  
change my address, or unsubscribe.  I scrolled down near the bottom of  
the page, and I can change Mail Delivery.  There are two choices:  
Enabled and Disabled.  Enabled is selected now, which means messages  
will be delivered to me.  If I click Disabled, messages will not be  
delivered, but I can still post messages (maybe from an internet cafe  
when I go on holiday).

You must remember to do this again when you come home to start your  
mail again.  There is no way to set a time for the mail to start again  


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