Dark-flowered anemonella

totototo@telus.net totototo@telus.net
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:57:34 PDT
The most common forms of Anemonella thalictroides in commerce seem to be either 
mid-pink doubles (Cameo, Oscar Schoaf), white singles, or singles that are at 
best very pale pink.

Twenty years ago when Don Elick spoke at the rock gardening study weekend here 
(end of Feb 1991), he stayed with me, and among other things mentioned that in 
eastern Iowa where he was brought up, you can find anemonellas growing with 
much darker flowers - "ruby" was the word he used. Eastern Iowa is at the 
western limit of the range of anemonella, and though most of the native flora 
has been converted to corn fields, it still persists down in draws along creeks.

Regrettably we never got any further towards mounting an expedition of 
discovery than casual mooting about the topic.

Is there anyone reading who lives in that area? Or who has a decently colored 
single anemonella in cultivation?

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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