The End is here - Lycoris wise

Steve Marak
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 12:39:06 PDT
I second Jim's comments - this was not an average year for any of the 
species I have in NW Arkansas, either. Probably the strangest year ever, 
for Lycoris in my garden.

Normally (omitting L. sanguinea, which seems to hear the beat of a 
different drummer every year) there are 2 plants of L. longituba which 
lead off the season, followed by the earliest L. chinensis, then the big 
burst of everything - more chinensis and longituba, plus squamigera, 
sprengeri, and anything else that may flower in a particular year, like x 
albiflora - and finally, after everything else has died down, L. radiata 
(v. pumila, I suppose, since it sets lots of seed every year, though it's 
of local origin). 

This year it was all over the map. Hardly anything bloomed in the sequence 
I expected. Groups of bulbs that were bought at the same time, from the 
same source, and usually flower together straggled out over weeks, often 
flowering poorly or on short stalks. Other groups which usually bloom 
poorly were magnificent. About the time I think I understand how Lycoris 
are going to grow in my environment, I find I'm completely wrong.

I should mention that we had unusually high rainfall, flash flood high, 
well into July, something else I don't ever recall happening, followed by 
about 6 weeks (mid-July to the first of September) with no rain at all. I 
did provide supplemental water to the Lycoris beds during the dry spell.


On Thu, 16 Sep 2010, James Waddick wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> 	The Lycoris season -- or rather the pitiful Lycoris season -- is at an
> end with the blooming of L. radiata radiata - the common sterile triploid
> version. Still a lovely bright red head of petals and exserted stamens to
> appreciate. No bloom on X houdyshellii which should be blooming about his
> time.
> 	This was not an average year for any of the species and cvs here. I'll
> have a few seeds to donate to the SeedEx later, but I am hoping for better
> next year.

-- Steve Marak

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