: Re: Stagonospora Curtisii help

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Mon, 12 Dec 2011 11:51:07 PST
As I concentrate on growing Zephs and Habs from seed in containers, I 
have found some are more prone to red spot than others, so when 
repotting those sprinkle cinnamon liberally along each furrow then earth 
up with soil.

As for the Hippeastrums in the garden, I emptied a Parmesan cheese 
shaker and filled that up with cinnamon.  Then I use the biggest hole 
and sprinkle again liberally over the Hippeastrums about 3 times a 
year.  At the beginning of their growth cycle, at the end and again some 
time during the winter.

And of course have them planted where they are happy.  Nothing will stop 
problems if the plant is not in the right place for it.

I bought 5 kilos of cinnamon (I am sure the Indian shopkeeper must have 
wondered!) and it has lasted me a year or so now, with quite a lot to 
go.  I keep it in an empty 10litre lidded bucket as that is pretty airtight.

And when recently I noticed an ants nest at the base of my potted, 
espaliered lemon tree, gave it a ring around the trunk of cinnamon and 
the ants nest is no longer there.  As I didn't want them farming their 
"cattle" on the roots of the tree.

Ina Crossley

Auckland   Zone 10a  New Zealand

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