Eastern Cape Trip

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 08 Feb 2011 08:30:58 PST
I have added another page for Gaika's Kop.

It includes another orchid from the summit, Eulophia aculeata. Other 
species seen on the summit or on the way there were Hesperantha 
pulchra and Moraea elliotii. There was a Kniphofia there that they 
decided mostly keyed out to Kniphofia uvaria even though this is 
mostly a winter rainfall species.

On the lower part of the mountain we saw a nice form of Eucomis 
autumnalis, Hypoxis argentea (also seen higher up), and two more 
Kniphofia species, Kniphofia northiae and Kniphofia triangularis.  K. 
northiae was done flowering, but K. triangularis was quite wonderful. 
It is such a striking species.

Mary Sue

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