Eastern Cape Trip

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 25 Jan 2011 08:52:43 PST
I have added to the wiki my second page of plants seen in the Maclear 
district. This page includes more orchids. We saw five different and 
often amazing species of Eulophia on the same day and a Habenaria 
species. Photos on the wiki previously from this district included a 
Holothrix and
several Gladiolus species probably photographed in February. We saw 
Gladiolus inandensis, but not the other two. I've added some leaves 
of unidentified Eriospermum and Ledebouria species and a wonderfully 
hairy Hypoxis costata.

I'm not sure why Eulophia welwitschii was chosen over all the other 
wonderful Eulophia species to be a favorite of the day. Perhaps it 
was because someone spotted it on the day before growing in a marshy 
area as we were driving to our location in the rain and we weren't at 
all sure we were going to be able to come back and actually see it up 
close the next day.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.


Mary Sue

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