Bulb confusion issue

Paul Licht plicht@berkeley.edu
Wed, 23 Mar 2011 12:11:41 PDT
Some confusion surrounding the picture of Pycella ignea on 
PBS (one if from the Garden here) and the one I now have 
posted on our Whats in Bloom 
(http://botanicalgarden.berkeley.edu/) has just come to my 
attention. The website lists Pycella bicolor as a synonym. 
However, my curator has just informed me that of the following:
They are not synonymous, actually.
Phycella ignea is now Phycella cyrtanthoides and Phycella 
bicolor is now Eustephia coccinea.
Phycella _biflora _is a synonym of P. ignea, prior to P. 
ignea being placed into P. cyrtanthoides.

In other words, the images (and the plant we have) is 
Eustephia coccinea. We are about to change our label.
Any more experts at there?

Paul Licht, Director
University of California Botanical Garden
200 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA 94720

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