Another mystery plant for identification

Kipp McMichael
Thu, 12 May 2011 14:18:24 PDT
It could be Ornithogalum longibracteatum - it can naturalize in mild areas and can certainly takeover.


> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 13:59:55 -0700
> Subject: [pbs] Another mystery plant for identification
> While driving around viewing the plantings of the filthy rich yesterday, my eye 
> was caught by a plant I've never seen before.
> Inflorescence organized like that of bluebells (Endymion). Individual flowers 
> white, campanulate, hanging down, white with a narrow green stripe down the 
> center of each petal. Foliage with slightly onion-y scent, color a clear mid-
> green (quite pretty, in fact), flat, keeled on the reverse. Plants abt 15" (35-
> 40 cm) tall.
> It's planted in a waste area in under Douglas firs, but is thriving and is 
> clearly pretty invasive. Though pretty, bitter experience told me not to dig 
> any up and bring it home, lest I have years of sorrow trying to extirpate it.
> Afterwards, while dozing before going to sleep, I realized what it reminded me 
> of: that horror, Nothoscordum inodorum, though my first reaction on seeing that 
> green stripe was "ornithogalum".
> Sound familiar to anyone?
> Sorrow, didn't have my camera with me so no photo. Hopefully the verbal 
> description will trigger someone's memory.
> -- 
> Rodger Whitlock
> Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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