Which Brunsvigia

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Wed, 25 May 2011 23:13:36 PDT
Thank you MarySue.

The more I look at the Brunsvigia Wiki page, the more I cannot see it 
being a Brunsvigia at all.  The leaves are too upright.  It is now dark 
and horridly wet outside so cannot check the red stripe, but I don't 
think the leaves have a red stripe.

I have planted it with some Amaryllis bulbs, and it is starting growth 
at the same time.  And the leaves look very much the same.   I wouldn't 
be surprised if it was an Amaryllis.  It flowered at the same time as my 


On 26/05/2011 5:22 p.m., Mary Sue Ittner wrote:
> Hi Ina,
> I've been working on the wiki Brunsvigia page as I'm going to split
> it up since it is getting really long so have been looking at some of
> the IBSA journals to add some more information when I do so. In one
> of them Dee Snijman has an article on Brunsvigia where she describes
> most of the species. Most of them have leaves that are flat on the
> ground. A couple that don't have red flowers.
> Brunsvigia herrei is from Namaqualand and Southern Namibia so isn't
> in the Color Encyclopedia. We don't have a picture of the flowers of
> it on the wiki.
> It is described by Dee as 45 cm. high with six suberect to spreading,
> strap-shaped leaves with narrow red margins.  It has up to 40
> delicate pink flowers on straight pedicels with stamens of two
> lengths, the outer less than half as long as the inner. It flowers
> where it grows in March.  I wonder if this is what you have.  Perhaps
> someone else is growing this and can confirm. When did yours bloom?
> Mary Sue
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