Pacific Bulb Society BX 295

Dennis Kramb
Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:31:01 PST
Here's is some supplemental information for my BX 295 donations.
I'm thrilled to be able to offer some new things to the BX.

Dennis in Cincy


The first three selections are geophytic insectivorous plants native
to S.E. USA (or hybrids derived from native species).  They require
full sun, constant moisture, and nutrient deficient media.  Seeds tend
to be hydrophobic.  So sow them in sphagnum moss, or direct sow into
your carnivorous plant bog bed.  Sarracenia are extremely cold hardy,
typically down to Z4.  Sarracenia growth habit is strikingly similar
to Irises.  They're rhizomatous and clump-forming.  If you're familiar
with Irises, you'll easily be able to understand Sarracenia.

Sarracenia 'Red Rocket' - Open pollinated, growing near S. leucophylla
and S. flava var. rugellii.  'Red Rocket' is a cross between S. flava
x S. purpurea.

Sarracenia leucophylla (var. green) - Open pollinated, growing near S.
flava var. rugellii and S. 'Red Rocket'.  This pitcher plant has no
red pigment in it.

Dionaea musiculpa.  The famous Venus Flytrap!  I collected the seeds
too late and most had already dehisced.  There are less than 10 seeds
on offer here.  These are marginally hardy for me (Z5/Z6).  They grow
in my bog bed year round, outdoors, and will survive with adequate
snow cover (or mild enough winter).  They MUST have a cold winter
dormancy (but not too cold) so people in Z9 or warmer may find them
challenging in the long run.

Iris fulva.  Hand pollinated, this is the typical red form.  There are
only about 15 seeds on offer here.  I hand pollinated lots of flowers
but had a lousy harvest.  Very disappointing!

Canna flaccida.  Ex. PBS-BX # 258.  There are only 13 seeds on offer
here.  I planted several seeds in mid-winter, indoors, under lights.
Then moved them outside in late spring.  One plant bloomed & set seed.
These are them.

Sinningia cardinalis.  Distant relative to the African violet.  Seeds
are dust-like.  Plants mature quickly and will bloom within 6 to 12
months after sowing.  This species is geophytic and will form a large
tuber with age.  Flowers are spectacular!  This is the typical red
form.  I grow it indoors as a house-plant, year round.

Passiflora lutea.  Ex. Northern Georgia, but fully cold hardy in Z5/Z6
Ohio.  Flowers are less than an inch across!  Not your typical
passionflower.  Vines grow 3 to 10 feet with no suckering.  VERY well
behaved compared to P. incarnata.  (Not a geophyte.)

Passiflora incarnata.  Ex. Southern Ohio.  Probably cold hardy to Z4.
Flowers about 5 inches across with filaments squigglier than typical
P. incarnata.  Fruits are savory with a lemony-limey flavor.  VERY
badly behaved, suckers vigorously.  Vines grow to 20 feet or more.
Extremely floriferous.  (Not a geophyte.)  This is a thug.

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