Calostemma was pergola, was: Re: It's driving me crazy

Sat, 26 Nov 2011 04:43:46 PST
Do u still have the purple Shelly ?

I have never had someone jump up & say they had much success with them.   

What u say about going underground, I have some cardwell lilies & they have been dormant for 24 months so I had a dig about & they are healthy still, they are in great conditions but they must be a little sleepy

Sunny Queensland

Sent from my iPhone

On 26/11/2011, at 10:24 PM, Shelley Gage <> wrote:

> They don't set many seeds so you'd need a field of them to have any number of seed and they are very fleshy so don't keep very well. Someone else might know of a seed source. I have grown only the purple and for a brief time the white (which I believe is rare) although it never flowered and went underground and hasn't been seen since.
> Shelley
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