Tom Mitchell's Response to Kathryn Kennedy
Sun, 18 Sep 2011 09:41:39 PDT
<<Some of us are working very hard to create cultivated populations  of 
threatened or potentially threatened plant genera such as Cyclamen, Galanthus  
and Trilium. These efforts would be far more valuable from a biodiversity  
conservation perspective if the plants were raised from wild-collected seed 
of  known provenance. This would result in genetically varied cultivated 
populations  available in future for reintroduction.>>
Thank you for very eloquently saying what (I think) most of us would like  
to say but don't know how.  I am happy to have you on the front line of  
this discussion.
For reintroduction to happen, the plant has to have had existed there in  
the first place.  However, due to land being consumed for whatever reason,  
plants often cannot be reintroduced.  So they are placed in environments  
where they were not "native" at this time.
As Kathryn said:
<<> the plants, people deriving material in cultivation so that it  no 
longer has
> the wild adapted traits desired and could present genetic  risk to wild
> populations, etc., and compassionate enthusiasts with too  low an
> understanding of the habitat specificity and considerations doing  
> "jonny appleseed" reintroductions in areas where they can do  harm to the
> target species or others in the area (and damage the  reputation of
> horticulturists, gardeners, and serious botanical gardens  everywhere with
> the state and federal resource agencies).   >>
I would think the extra genetic "risk" would be wonderful  for populations 
as it would increase diversity.  I think Nhu made a  better comment on or 
argument for this.
Plus, if one were to introduce plants from cultivation to the wild, in  
locations where the plants were not growing, that seems to be just what Kathryn 
 is saying she doesn't want.  Were not the introduced plants absent from  
that location for a reason?  What about soil type of the introduced plants,  
micro-organisms, the existing goes on and on.  So when my fishing  
cabin was built in north-central Minnesota, was I wrong to relocate, from 
the  building site to elsewhere on the property, the native orchids and other 
plants  I deemed worthy?  Even though they were not plants from 
cultivation,  in my opinion as an "amateur," Kathryn implies "no."
--Jerry Lehmann
Olathe, KS, USA  

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