[PBS] Crinum versus the bulldozers........

steven hart hartsentwine.australia@gmail.com
Mon, 05 Sep 2011 02:05:44 PDT
Sad isn't it Roland, thats what happened with wide spread populations of
Proiphys cunninghamii ( Brisbane Lily) here in Australia...They were
formally named (Flinders lily) after one of the early Australian Explorers,
or was he a Botanist....any way they were growing in good numbers all over
the Greater Brisbane area when the sailing ships rolled in they are now
generally extinct through out the whole area now covered with the urban
sprawl of 1.5 million people.
I'm so lucky one because Proiphys is one of the many rare specias native to
my property & each plant produces about 1 to 3 vibrant orange covered seeds
per year in the wild here, they grow easily & flower quite early in life in
a commersial invironment. I have seen cases of bacterial infection in
Brisbane nursery grown stock & i believe it was caught directly from
eucharis lilies, one of their relitaves i believe...I love them...They are
increadibly drought tollerant & i never water the ones in the garden.

On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 11:53 PM, bulborum botanicum <bulborum@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have seen many of these places not from Crinum but rare European
> bulb-sites

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