(no subject)

clayton3120 clayton3120 clayton3120@cablespeed.com
Sat, 18 Aug 2012 10:51:13 PDT
Good Morning Fellow Members.
I'm laughing out loud (LOL) at the neglected Eucomis testimonials, as
I , too, had a greenhouse floor that contained several pots of
neglected Eucomis.
Several years ago I procured seed of a mix,' Hadeco Hybrids'.
Hadeco, of course, being the famous Amaryllis house in South Africa.
Well, these poor devils, Eucomis, not Hadeco, have been in 4" pots for
at least 3, if not 4 years and received very little love at all.  Upon
rediscovering them, I made room on the greenhouse bench, and , of
course moved some other poor things down on the greenhouse floor.
Eucomis were watered and  fed.  Silly me, they are finally blooming,
and some are prize plants.  Gorgeous pinks, creams, greens with
noticeable eyes on each.
One stalk is at least 16" tall. Imagine when it gets repotted , what
potential it will reach.
Overcomitted grower here raises his hand in in admission , take care
of what you have!
Rick K

Will send bulblets to the BX  when available.

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