Major excitement in the cold frame -Arum

Peter Taggart
Thu, 16 Feb 2012 22:30:36 PST
What is your normal winter temperature range Jim? and your known minimum
winter temperatures?
I grow most of the Arum you list without cover. Normal minimums here are
about minus 12 C. lst winter was much colder. Every few winters here there
is a period of up to six weeks wihout thaw but most winters the pattern is
freeze/ thaw, with the occasional frozen week.
Peter (UK)

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Jim McKenney

> But my experiences here make me very reluctant to recommend any of the
> winter green aroids (Ambrosina, Arisarum except proboscideum, Biarum, and
> Arum in general except Arum italicum) as plants for the open garden.

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