What's germinating - January 25

Tim Chapman tim@gingerwoodnursery.com
Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:13:20 PST

This has been the warmest winter in many years, both in minimum temps and average low temps.  We have had maybe 5 light frosts without much damage.  We have had one hard freeze ( by my standards, you northerners stop laughing) that maybe got to 27 F.   It's been fall/spring weather most of the time.  Very few nights in the 30s.  We are use to mild winters, but still would have had 4 or 5 hard freezes by now. (10 or so freezing nights would be minimum). 

I have a few plants around the house that have not been frozen back yet, can't remember the last time that has happened. 

Yes, I'm afraid that if the Lachenalia hold outs do sprout now, I won't be able to get them to a good size in time.  On the brightside in two years I'll have tons of mature plants.  With the exception of the three L trichophylla forms the holdouts aren't exceptionally rare or hard to replace.  I really wanted to have some mature trichophylla going next season.  Such an interesting form. Oh well. 

Tim Chapman

On Jan 27, 2012, at 1:57 AM, "AW" <awilson@avonia.com> wrote:

> Tim,
> What are your minimum temperatures this year in south Louisiana? I daresay
> they are warmer than mine although I know that the area does get, from time
> to time, sharp freezes.
> My interest in getting the timing right is that in the past I have been able
> to start from Lachenalia seed germinated in September, develop bulbs that
> bloom the following year. The extra three months loses me a full year.  
> Andrew
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