Hyacinths - what's happening?

Pamela Slate pslate22@yahoo.com
Fri, 02 Mar 2012 15:36:04 PST
Commercial hyacinths were one of the first bulbs I grew here and were the typical white, blue, pink and purple.  They were very nearly weedy but then, they had a luxurious soil mix in my concrete raised planters.  I started with only 3-4 of each and eventually gave at least a hundred away.  There were so many, I couldn't tell whether new shoots were appearing in the manner yours are, i.e., away from the main bulb.  Even the small bulbs flowered.
Am I correct in thinking there are very few spp. of Hyacinths and that the commercial ones historically are selections?  Are there reliable sources for the species Hyacinth?

Pamela Slate
P.O. Box 5316
Carefree  AZ  85377

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