Iris × flavescens

Dennis Kramb
Fri, 11 May 2012 08:56:37 PDT
My patch of Iris × flavescens is in massive full bloom right now.
There must be 50 flowers.  This is the best display I've seen in my
garden.  Their companion plant, Thermopsis caroliniana, is about to
burst into bloom as well.  These will give way to other prairie plants
later in the season (Echinacea, Silphium, etc.).

And the hillside patch of Iris × flavescens growing wild along the
highway (I-75) near my office is now getting crowded out by trees.
For the last 12 years I watched them bloom like crazy, but the view is
finally getting obscured.

Oh, and the hummingbirds are definitely back.  I love May!  :-)

Dennis in Cincinnati

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