Overplanting Eucomis

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Sun, 28 Oct 2012 02:22:41 PDT
As Alberto Points out the Nerine pudica is winter growing, I grow it in a
green house because some winters in this part of Britain are too cold for
it, however, to my certain knowledge, it can certainly manage some summer
Nerines sarniensis, flexuosa, and bowdenii might flower too early for your
purposes. Eucomis is summer growing and copes well with winter rain.] In a
well drained position they might well be compatible. Try iris japonica if
wattii might be too big, when given warmth these evansia Iris can flower in
mid winter and the leaves are handsome.

Other plants I can think of..... would be Hippeastrums, possibly
Haemanthus, Velthheimia capensis (it needs to be dry if it looses its
leaves in summer or it does rot -in my experience), there are various
Anenomones as Jane suggested, which are marvelous for the end of summer but
the japonica/  huphiese can be very invasive and I wonder if they might be
a bit early for what you want -given your warmer climate?
Haemanthus coccinea can take some summer moisture, there are the evergreen
ones too. and various species of scadoxus you could consider
I am sure the Begonia family would give you good value too, also the
gingers... cannas, hedychiums Musa... I have not read the rest of the posts
on this yet.
Peter (UK)

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Dee <dee@deeandbill.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I like the Nerine!  Sounds like a winner, blooming in fall.  I think the
> Iris would be a bit too tall, although it is pretty.  The

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