Stealing from your neighbours

dave s
Fri, 26 Apr 2013 06:37:54 PDT
Did I miss something? I didn't see anyone actually advocating plant theft...

My plant theft horror story: No horror, but plenty of head scratching. I
lived in a third floor walkup apartment, and the second floor stairwell
window was perfect for haworthias. So I asked the second floor neighbor
(who was crazy gorgeous, so any excuse to start a conversation! :D) if it
was ok with her, and I kept my small collection of H. venosa ssp tessellata
on the windowsill. One day, one of the pots was just gone. I house-sat for
her regularly, so it wasn't her or her teenaged daughter... That leaves one
of her or her daughter's friends (without getting into a story, I just
can't see either of those), or even less likely some stranger from the
street who checked out the stairwell and said "hey! I need one of those!"
Even more of a head-scratcher, the only one they took was the old-timey
horticultural form which I only kept because I'd had it since I was 19.
They were all labeled, so it had by far the least sexy label, as well.

"I'll just help myself to one of, that locality data is
off-putting, let's just start with the basic form commonly seen in the
trade, see how I do..." ???

- Dave

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Fred Biasella <> wrote:

> Well, that's just rude!!! If I had a "friend" who did that to me, I would
> offer them them a nice (exlax) chocolate pie to take home and enjoy.  :-)
> ________________________________________
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of []
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 8:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Stealing from your neighbours
> I have to agree with this.  I had many plants stolen when I lived in the
> city.  Even in the country, a "friend" from Ohio came for a visit and
> absconded with a small clump of named snowdrops that would have been well
> over $100 on the open market.  He commented about them and I offered to
> divide them the next spring.  He stayed the day while I went to work.  Upon
> returning home, one of the multi-bulb clumps had vanished.  He tried to
> obscure the hole with extra soil and a bit of leaf litter.  ("Do you really
> think I don't count them???" I thought to myself.)  Needless to say, the
> "friend" will never return, nor is he welcome in any of the gardens in the
> region.
> Michael
> Interlaken NY Z6
> Have the courtesy to ask someone if you want a piece of something, as I am
> certain you want others to have the courtesy in your own garden.
> Yes, I know I am being prim and proper, but I've had stuff stolen
> from my garden and it changes how you feel about it.  The plants I
> had stolen were actually put into my driveway so that people could
> enjoy them when walking by, as I thought the colour would be lovely
> and that far more people than just me could enjoy the show.  I have
> never put any pots there since of course, as I don't want to lose them.
> Sorry, rant over, but I felt that someone had to lay it out pretty
> plainly.  Please don't shoot the messenger....
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