OT re Roundup was Cardamine hirsuta

Ina klazina@orcon.net.nz
Tue, 02 Apr 2013 21:47:01 PDT
Alberto, do you have any idea of all the poisons which are sprayed on 
the commercially grownveges here?  I don't know what it is like 
elsewhere, nor could I tell you,but have read enough articles to decide 
me I would rather eat my own home grown than even the supposedly organic 
ones, which have a mix of poisons sprayed on them which individually are 
safe, but altogether make another poisonous brew.

Anyonewhocan tell me what is sprayed on commercially grown fruit and veges?

Or what will kill Kikuyu grass? As neither vinegar nor boiling water 
affects it unduly.


Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand  Zone 10

On 3/04/2013 11:00 a.m., Alberto Castillo wrote:
>   This for whom said Roundup was used on the vegetable plot.

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