Little Mystery Bulb

Ellen Hornig
Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:52:37 PDT
If I may be permitted a brief story about plants and real estate....years
ago I stopped at a house that was surrounded by a roughly 100-foot border
of the old-fashioned double white arabis (A. caucasica flore pleno - not a
geophyte, I'm afraid), and asked the owner if I might take a few cuttings.
She looked dubious and said "I've given away lots of it, but the house has
just been sold, and I don't know if that would be right...."  Glancing at
that looooong border, I murmured that surely a few cuttings would not be
missed...and in the end, I did get permission, and I grow it still.

When in doubt, I suppose, if I were you, Judy, I'd "rescue"a reasonable
number and leave a reasonable number behind, just in the case the new
owners actually care.  It's easy to grow from seed - that's where I got
mine - so over the years you should be able to get plenty more.


> Judy wrote, "... do I try phoning the real estate company?"
> --
> Ellen Hornig
212 Grafton St
Shrewsbury MA 01545

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