Stealing from your neighbours

Fred Biasella
Fri, 26 Apr 2013 05:52:03 PDT
Hello Folks,

Please don't get me wrong, I would never outright steal a plant from someone's property even though it's happened to me many times and yes I was very pissed!!!!! The most I would do is take a little snip of something that has overgrown through the fence or onto the sidewalk. If the owner is in sight, I would definitely ask before taking.

Warm Regards,
Fred Biasella
Cambridge (Boston) MA  

From: [] On Behalf Of Paul T. []
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 5:21 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Stealing from your neighbours

Howdy Folks,

A quick voice of reason here..... how would you feel coming home and
having plants stolen out of your garden?  There is a big difference
between liberating things from a derelict house (which really is
saving them from an uncertain future, rather than taking them from a
loving home) and stealing them out of someone's garden.  As someone
who has had quite large pots of liliums and dwarf crepe myrtles
stolen from my driveway I am a bit mortified that so many of you are
saying that it is perfectly OK to steal things out of other people's
gardens.  I recall quite clearly how upset I was when I found they
were gone.  Have the courtesy to ask someone if you want a piece of
something, as I am certain you want others to have the courtesy in
your own garden.

Yes, I know I am being prim and proper, but I've had stuff stolen
from my garden and it changes how you feel about it.  The plants I
had stolen were actually put into my driveway so that people could
enjoy them when walking by, as I thought the colour would be lovely
and that far more people than just me could enjoy the show.  I have
never put any pots there since of course, as I don't want to lose them.

Sorry to be so serious, but only a few of us have actually said
anything to emphasise that this is still theft, and at the moment it
looks like this list advocates stealing plants you want from other
peoples gardens.  I think that anyone who has just joined this list
may be wondering just what this list is about.   I realise that much
of the rest of the conversation was fairly tongue in cheek, but it IS
still theft and I'm not sure that the PBS list should be advocating it.

Sorry, rant over, but I felt that someone had to lay it out pretty
plainly.  Please don't shoot the messenger....


Paul T.
Canberra, Australia

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