Crinum thaianum

Alani Davis
Sat, 02 Feb 2013 11:00:35 PST
Alberto and all-
Well I would say it might be possible to commercially cultivate them with
the correct facilities, however as you well know, it is often easier to
make a profit from direct harvest from the wild with all the associated
problems and the conservation status of wild plants seems to be grim. It
would seem a fair number of these are still wild collected from what
information I can find online and from links like this one below it would
seem collection has contributed to impacting the wild populations.
I have found a couple references (see Crinum thaianum wikipedia page for
instance) to its use as an ingredient in somehow for a cream to soften the
skin but I have not found any information about where the plants used for
this purpose come from or whether they are grown commercially or what the
name of this cream is

I don't anything about the source and the photographer, but here is a link
to a Google + web album that has some really great photos of the Crinum
thaianum in the wild showing flowering seed and habitat…
Here is a second link to a summary of a newspaper article that gives a bit
more information about the photographer and his connections to the Crinum
thaianum though I have not acquired or read the full article.…

I should mention too that 12 feet was the longest I got the foliage to grow
in an aquarium but by moderating nutrients I can maintain them at a
somewhat better 5-7+ feet... still it is a lot of vegetation and I usually
remove offsets and never have more that three bulbs in the main aquarium at
time as well. Steven, I grow a number of aquatic plant and especially quite
a few waterlilies and use several types of the pelletized slow release
fertilizers you describe and they work great. They are generally not
recommended for aquaria however and anyone familiar with the general
guidelines for for freshwater live plant aquaria would think I was nuts for
putting such high yield nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in an aquarium
but I have actually not had bad results from it as long as I didn't use too
many and used ones that were really slow release. Too many isn't a simple
number because of the variables but generally getting close to overdoing it
with the fertilizer meant such vigorous grow of some of the plants that it
hard to manage and still have the aquarium "look good" and various green
algae growing far too well. Not green water so much but hair algae and
filamentous types. I tried extra fertilizer to see if this would trigger
flowering and it didn't though that is how I got the 12 foot foliage!
Perhaps if I had get it well fed for longer I would gotten it to bloom
well, but the maintenance was too challenging. In ponds it was not a
problem of course with greater water volume. I have experimented with it a
couple times using offsets I remove from my tank in water gardens . It did
well in still water as long as it wasn't overshadowed but the nicest one I
grew in a pond was situated so that the outflow of an artificial
stream/waterfall flowed across it. I think the main problem I have had
growing it in ponds is the winter interruption as it doesn't "like" the
colder weather. If you can get one Steven I would guess Crinum thaianum
would love your climate in the right pond site. Leo might have the same
problem I do though no harm in trying it.

Alani Davis
Tallahassee Florida

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Alberto Castillo <> wrote:

> Wow, Alani, that was really comprehensive! If they offset so well, then
> the stock in the trade is probably not wild collected.
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